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Benefit Chews Digestion + Gut Health Salmon Recipe Dog Treats $15.67

Go! Solutions Benefit Chews Digestion + Gut Health Salmon Recipe Dog Treats are soft & chewy dog treats made with functional ingredients, for a boost of nutrition in an irresistibly tasty bite. Formulated by expert pet nutritionists in Canada and made with premium-quality & upcycled ingredients, these healthy, high value dog treats are made with a blend of fibre-rich ancient grains, prebiotics, and probiotics to support your dog's gut health and good digestion. Free from by-product meals, artificial preservatives, flavours or colours, and wheat, corn, or soy. Key Benefits: Supports your dog's digestive system: Features a unique patented probiotic bacteria, designed to survive the digestive tract and contribute to a healthy gut. Supports good digestion for well-formed stool: includes sources of prebiotic fibre to support the probiotics from psyllium husk and chicory root, and fibre-rich barley, oats, pumpkin, and apples. Made with premium-quality salmon as the first ingredient, for protein and omega-3 fatty acids, and nutrient-rich fruits, veggies & grains. Made with 'perfectly imperfect' upcycled ingredients, which come from the human food chain and may be odd-looking or produced in excess. Go! Solutions puts their nutrients to use, so they don't go to waste. Soft & chewy texture, healthy formulations, and an irresistible flavour. Great for "just cus I love you" snacking, enrichment games or training treats for dogs. Packaged in a resealable bag to seal in freshness

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