The Gear Aid Tenacious Tape Repair Tape in black is an all-purpose solution for fixing rips, holes and gashes in outdoor gear. Its ultra-strong, aggressive adhesive stays firmly bonded no matter the conditions, leaving no sticky residue behind. Providing nearly invisible repairs, this versatile tape adheres to almost any surface from camping gear and sleeping bags to tents, clothing, vinyl rafts and down jackets. It instantly seals leaking seams, stops rips from spreading further, and acts as an abrasion-resistant shield to protect high-wear areas. Compact yet long-lasting, it's an essential repair tape to keep in any outdoor gear kit.
Reach new heights with the Black Diamond Women's Momentum Climbing Shoes. These climbing shoes offer exceptional breathability and lasting comfort for gym climbing. The innovative engineered knit technology upper features a variable weave that allows airflow while providing a supportive structure. A hemp liner wicks away moisture to keep feet dry in warm, humid conditions. Designed for durability, the Black Diamond Momentum is built for consistent performance and longevity through long climbing sessions.
Simply and stylishly organize up to 36 pairs of shoes with the Space-Saving Shoe Storage Cabinet by Prepac. Fit one cabinet in a narrow entryway or combine multiple pieces from the Space-Saving collection in a large mudroom to create a custom closet look at the fraction of the cost. This shoe organizer has 36 spacious cubbies that can be used to store shoes, hats, scarves, keys, mail and any other clutter that needs organizing.
Keep your wrists safe and ready to perform while skating with the Prime Wrist Guards from K2 You need no longer fear damage from falling and then snapping a wrist for instance. The Prime wrist protection set has got your back. There is a women's and a men's version so finding a perfect fit should be no sweat.
The benchmark against which all others are judged, the 200 Oasis Short Sleeve Crewe is icebreaker's best-selling base layer—a versatile active top for year-round layering and everyday comfort. The soft, 100% merino jersey fabric is breathable, stretchy, and odor-resistant, and flatlock seams provide chafe-free comfort. Inspired by nature, icebreaker harnesses the performance qualities of natural fibers to offer an alternative to clothing based on petrochemical synthetics. Merino is an annually renewable fiber that naturally resists odors, keeps you cool when it’s hot and warm when it’s not, and lets your skin breathe for comfort all day, every day.
Stay motivated during your runs with this men's adidas t-shirt. AEROREADY helps wick away moisture as you pick up speed. The bold 3-Stripes on the sleeves add sporty flair as you hit the pavement. Get ready to own your next run!
Skout's Honor Daily Use Probiotic Happy Puppy Detangler is for both dog and cats. This hair detangler hydrates the skin and softens the coat for a more brushable, tangle-free pet. It contains avocado oil and live, topical probiotics that help support a healthy microbiome to defend against common skin problems such as itching, odour, dryness, dandruff, hot spots, and excessive shedding. It is great for pets that need detangling, hydration, odour-control and itch relief. Also provides an added boost of probiotics in between bathing for pets that suffer from skin irritations due to environmental allergies. It is infused with a live, colony-forming probiotic kefir culture to bring out your pet's natural beauty. Suitable for all skin types and conditions. Features: Safe for Cats and Dogs Hydrates fur and softens coat Combats harmful bacteria Contains avocado oil and live, topical probiotics that help support a healthy microbiome Paraben and Sulfate Free
Temptations Lickable Spoons Savoury Salmon and Tempting Tuna flavour lickable wet cat treat comes in a specially designed spoon and combines two tasty flavours. The spoon size makes it easy to eat and easy to treat your cat for a memorable bonding experience. Temptations Lickable Spoons can also be used as a meal complement to make mealtime extra special. Temptations Spoons, with added vitamins and minerals, have no fillers or artificial flavours.
The CargoMaster Truck Chest, with its 60-inch profile, features an elevated design to stay clear of floor moisture. Its tapered bottom bolsters fit trucks with bed liners, while the recessed hinge allows full lid opening when flush against truck bed wall. The lid can be locked and unlocked from the driver's side and opened from either side. It has soft-touch stainless-steel paddle handles, full weather stripping, and a self-rising lid with two gas spring lid lifts. The high-strength lid has a large, pan-style, heavy-duty bolster for enhanced strength and security. It fits full-size Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, and GMC short and long wheelbase trucks. The chest measures 59-1/2" long x 17-15/16" high x 20-5/8" wide, providing 9.8-cu ft storage.
Part sandal, part hiker and all adventure, the KEEN Newport H2 hybrid sandals were born for the journey. With a quick-dry lining for on-the-go use and a lace-lock bungee system for a secure fit, these sandals let you move from trail to town with ease. The breathable mesh and textile upper made from eco-responsible materials keeps feet cool and comfortable, while the non-marking rubber outsole leaves no trace of your wanderings. Eco Anti-Odor technology controls odor for days between washes. Slip into these versatile shoes and hit the trail, beach or boardwalk with confidence. They're ready when you are - for whatever adventure awaits.
The MAXIMUM 2-Door Tall Cabinet with 3 Adjustable Shelves, Stainless Series, 77 x 42 x 18-in, offers durable storage for your home with its powder-coated and stainless steel finish that resists fingerprints. The cabinet features adjustable shelves that provide flexibility for organizing your items as needed, as well as adjustable feet for added stability. Its integrated door pulls provide easy access to the spacious interior while the heavy-duty steel construction ensures durable use for years to come. Coordinating with other MAXIMUM cabinets, this tall cabinet provides ample storage space and is perfect for any space.
This KitchenAid 4-Piece Stainless Steel Measuring Set includes essential tools you need to measure both wet and dry ingredients. Expertly crafted from quality stainless steel they feature easy to read measurements and long lasting durability. They come in measurements of 1/4 tsp, 1/2 tsp, 1 tsp, and Tbs increments. Keep them neat and handy with the convenient storage ring. Dishwasher safe.
Don't let the rain dampen the outdoor adventures with your best friend with Bailey & Bella's Raincoat with Reflective Stripe in Yellow. This coat is simple to dress with two hook & loop fastener straps, which makes getting ready for walks hassle free.