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Merrick Real Texas Beef + Sweet Potato Grain-Free Recipe Adult Dog Food is crafted with whole foods and deboned beef as the first ingredient in this real meat dog food. Providing high-quality protein, this Merrick grain free dog food recipe helps build and maintain healthy muscle tissue and energy levels. With 65% protein and healthy fat ingredients and 35% produce, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other natural ingredients, this complete and balanced natural dog food is rich in protein and fiber. Leading levels of omega fatty acids in this adult dog food help support your dog's healthy skin and coat. This high protein dog food helps maintain healthy hips and joints by providing leading levels of glucosamine and chondroitin for dogs. This grain free dry dog food contains no corn, wheat, soy, gluten or artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Key Benefits: Real deboned beef is always the first ingredient in this beef dog food crafted as a chicken free dog food with no poultry ingredients This natural dog food grain free recipe contains 65% protein and healthy fat ingredients, and 35% produce, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other natural ingredients With 65% of protein from animal sources, this healthy dog food offers the ideal combination of protein and healthy fats to help a dog maintain optimal weight and increased energy High protein dog food with omega fatty acids to support healthy skin and shiny coat, plus glucosamine and chondroitin for dogs to help maintain healthy hips and joints
$36.95 – $126.55 price-excluding-tax
Merrick Real Texas Beef + Sweet Potato Puppy Dog Food will serve your puppy food they will love. Real deboned beef is the first ingredient in this holistic blend of high protein dog food that helps develop healthy muscle and energy levels. With 52% protein and healthy fat ingredients and 48% produce, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other natural ingredients, this real meat dog food is rich in protein. Additionally, this puppy food contains DHA to support healthy brain development, smaller sized kibble perfect for puppies, and omega fatty acids to support healthy skin and coat. There are also high levels of glucosamine and chondroitin for dogs in this premium kibble which helps maintain healthy hips and joints. Gluten free and made with wholesome ingredients, this grain free dog food is made without corn, wheat, soy, or artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives. Merrick dog food recipes are proudly founded in Hereford, Texas, crafted in USA facilities. Key Benefits: Wholesome and natural with added Vitamins and minerals kibble. Real deboned beef is always the first ingredient in this premium grain free dry formula made with real food ingredients to deliver balanced nutrition. Smaller-sized kibble is perfect for puppies. Features a holistic blend of 52% protein and healthy fat ingredients to support muscle development and energy levels, with 48% produce, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other natural ingredients. Merrick puppy food delivers 70% of protein from animal sources, provides high protein levels for developing muscles. This recipe contains DHA to support brain development. Gluten free recipe contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to nourish skin and coat, glucosamine and chondroitin for healthy hips and joints, and no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.
$36.95 price-excluding-tax
Merrick Slow Cooked BBQ Kansas City Style Adult Dog Food offers a unique, mouthwatering taste that your dog is sure to love. This delicious, natural dog food starts with real deboned pork as the first ingredient. This savory Merrick wet dog food BBQ recipe is a real meat dog food that features chopped pork cooked with potatoes and carrots in a Kansas City style BBQ sauce. The high-quality protein in this grain free dog food wet recipe helps to build and maintain healthy muscle tissue and energy levels. This healthy dog food offers complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs of all breed sizes. Serve Merrick BBQ wet dog food canned as a standalone meal or use it as a flavourful topper to make your dog's kibble even more tempting. Serve your dog wet food packaged as an easy-to-open canned dog food for convenient feeding. Merrick dog food recipes are crafted in Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA. Key Benefits: Real deboned pork is always the first ingredient in this real meat dog food grain free recipe The high-quality protein in this adult dog food helps build and maintain healthy muscle tissue and energy levels and offers complete and balanced nutrition for all breed sizes The Slow-Cooked BBQ Kansas City Style recipe is a grain free wet dog food that features chopped pork, potatoes and carrots slow-cooked in a Kansas City style BBQ sauce Easy-to-open can dog food for convenient feeding of natural dog food
$7.60 price-excluding-tax
Merrick Slow Cooked BBQ Memphis Style Adult Dog Food offers Southern style taste that your dog is sure to love. This delicious, natural dog food starts with real chicken as the first ingredient. This savory Merrick wet dog food BBQ recipe is a real meat dog food that features glazed chicken cooked with Yukon Gold potatoes and spinach in a Memphis style BBQ sauce. The high-quality protein in this grain free dog food wet recipe helps to build and maintain healthy muscle tissue and energy levels. This healthy dog food offers complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs of all breed sizes. Serve Merrick BBQ wet dog food canned as a standalone meal or use it as a flavourful topper to make your dog's kibble even more tempting. Serve your dog wet food packaged as an easy-to-open canned dog food for convenient feeding. Merrick dog food recipes are crafted in Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA. Key Benefits: Real deboned chicken is always the first ingredient in this real meat dog food grain free recipe The high-quality protein in this adult dog food helps build and maintain healthy muscle tissue and energy levels and offers complete and balanced nutrition for all breed sizes The Slow-Cooked BBQ Memphis Style recipe is a grain free wet dog food that features glazed chicken, potatoes and spinach slow-cooked in a Memphis style BBQ sauce Easy-to-open can dog food for convenient feeding of natural dog food
$7.60 price-excluding-tax
Merrick Thanksgiving Day Dinner Adult Dog Food is made with real USDA-inspected deboned turkey. This dog food also contains chicken among the first five ingredients. Other natural ingredients in this real meat dog food grain free recipe include sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans and granny smith apples to lend wholesome goodness and variety for a healthy dog food menu. A savory gravy made with chicken and turkey broth adds even more flavour and moisture to daily meals in this grain free dog food. This wet food for dogs features deboned turkey and vegetables, and contains no artificial colours, flavours, preservatives or by-products. Use this moist dog food canned recipe as a topper for your dog's dry kibble, or serve it as a nutritious standalone meal. Merrick wet dog food comes in a convenient pull-tab can that makes preparing your dog's meal quick and easy. Merrick dog food recipes are crafted in Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA. Key Benefits: Real deboned turkey is the first ingredient in this healthy dog food recipe Other natural ingredients in this grain free dog food include sweet potatoes, carrots and green beans Merrick dog wet food recipes are made without artificial colours, flavours, preservatives or by-products This natural dog food can features a pull-tab for easy opening and fast serving of this can dog food wet recipe
$7.60 price-excluding-tax
Merrick Turducken Adult Dog Food first ingredient is always real USDA-inspected deboned turkey. This real meat dog food recipe contains duck, and chicken among the first five ingredients. Other natural ingredients, including sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans and granny smith apples, lend wholesome goodness and variety to your dog's menu. A savory dog food gravy made with turkey and chicken broth adds even more flavour and moisture to daily meals. To meet your dietary preferences, this adult dog food with vegetables contains no artificial colours, flavours, preservatives or by-products. Use this Merrick wet food for dogs as a topper for your dog's dry kibble, or serve it as a nutritious standalone meal. A convenient pull-tab can makes preparing your dog's meal quick and easy. Like all Merrick recipes, this Turducken recipe was crafted in Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA. Key Benefits: Real deboned turkey is the first ingredient Grain free canned dog food also contains real deboned duck and chicken Other natural ingredients include sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans and granny smith apples Turkey, duck and chicken dog food with no artificial colours, flavours, preservatives or by-products Turkey and chicken broth make a savory gravy for a savory, moist dog food All Merrick recipes are crafted in Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA
$7.60 price-excluding-tax