Zeal Air-Dried Salmon u0026 Duck Recipe Dog Food is a complete and balanced wholesome diet for dogs made with 96% wild salmon. Zeal combines the finest meats and premium ingredients, then use the traditional method of natural air drying to preserve all the nutrients and flavours. This artisanal technique naturally evaporates the moisture by gently circulating air, thus reducing its volume while concentrating the nutrition. All without sacrificing the taste dogs love! Zeal provides all the benefits of raw food without any of the hassles. Dogs can’t get enough of this jerky-like food and are sure to be thrilled by every meal!
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Air-Dried Salmon & Duck Recipe Dog Food
Zeal Air-Dried Salmon u0026 Duck Recipe Dog Food is a complete and balanced wholesome diet for dogs made with 96% wild salmon. Zeal combines the finest meats and premium ingredients, then use the traditional method of natural air drying to preserve all the nutrients and flavours. This artisanal technique naturally evaporates the moisture by gently circulating air, thus reducing its volume while concentrating the nutrition. All without sacrificing the taste dogs love! Zeal provides all the benefits of raw food without any of the hassles. Dogs can't get enough of this jerky-like food and are sure to be thrilled by every meal!
$40.31 – $77.27 price-excluding-tax
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