Packed with high-quality protein for lean muscle, Hill’s Science Diet Adult 7+ Chicken u0026 Barley Entree canned dog food combines delicious ingredients with precise nutrition to support older dogs in energy and activity level. Using real chicken, this easy-to-digest senior canine food made with natural ingredients provides mature dogs with antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin E to help support immunity. A balanced set of minerals also promote kidney and heart health. Give the perfect balance of taste and nutrition with this smooth canned food your older pet is sure to enjoy. High-quality protein to help your senior dog maintain lean muscle Made with purposeful, easily digestible ingredients senior dogs enjoy Supports your mature dog’s immunity with clinically proven antioxidants and vitamin C+E Uses a balanced set of minerals to promote a healthy heart and healthy bones in older dogs
Chicken & Barley Entree Adult 7+ Dog Food
Packed with high-quality protein for lean muscle, Hill's Science Diet Adult 7+ Chicken u0026 Barley Entree canned dog food combines delicious ingredients with precise nutrition to support older dogs in energy and activity level. Using real chicken, this easy-to-digest senior canine food made with natural ingredients provides mature dogs with antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin E to help support immunity. A balanced set of minerals also promote kidney and heart health. Give the perfect balance of taste and nutrition with this smooth canned food your older pet is sure to enjoy. High-quality protein to help your senior dog maintain lean muscle Made with purposeful, easily digestible ingredients senior dogs enjoy Supports your mature dog's immunity with clinically proven antioxidants and vitamin C+E Uses a balanced set of minerals to promote a healthy heart and healthy bones in older dogs
$5.59 price-excluding-tax
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