Open Farm Grain Free Chicken u0026 Salmon Recipe Puppy Dog Food is a high-protein kibble that helps prevent allergies and supports DHA healthy brain development. This yummy meal consists of of humanely raised chicken, pork, and fresh Pacific wild-caught salmon, with non-GMO superfoods. Key Benefits: Humanely Raised Chicken: Raised on family farms, with gentle handling, space and ability to engage in their natural behaviours. Chickens are fed a vegetarian diet without antibiotics or hormones. Great source of protein and healthy fats Wild Caught Salmon and Herring: From the waters of the North Pacific Ocean, these ingredients are high in long chain omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA Sustainably sourced Whitefish, that is ocean caught and contains contcentrated source of amino acids that help develop health muscles No rendered poultry or meat meals 100% traceable ingredients
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Grain Free Chicken & Salmon Recipe Puppy Dog Food
Open Farm Grain Free Chicken u0026 Salmon Recipe Puppy Dog Food is a high-protein kibble that helps prevent allergies and supports DHA healthy brain development. This yummy meal consists of of humanely raised chicken, pork, and fresh Pacific wild-caught salmon, with non-GMO superfoods. Key Benefits: Humanely Raised Chicken: Raised on family farms, with gentle handling, space and ability to engage in their natural behaviours. Chickens are fed a vegetarian diet without antibiotics or hormones. Great source of protein and healthy fats Wild Caught Salmon and Herring: From the waters of the North Pacific Ocean, these ingredients are high in long chain omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA Sustainably sourced Whitefish, that is ocean caught and contains contcentrated source of amino acids that help develop health muscles No rendered poultry or meat meals 100% traceable ingredients
$36.95 – $119.83 price-excluding-tax
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