Performatrin Prime Lamb Meal u0026 Brown Rice Formula Puppy Dog Food is formulated to support your puppy’s growth and development period and support overall health. This recipe provides your puppy with high-protein food and optimal levels of Omega Fatty Acids, like DHA, and Taurine levels to support growth and early brain and eye development. Key Benefits: No animal-by-product meal Omega-6 u0026 Omega-3 Fatty Acids support healthy skin Naturally occurring prebiotics Antioxidant nutrient blend Easy-to-digest ingredients Lean Muscle Development: Made with high-quality Lamb Meal as the 1st ingredient. A chicken-free, delicious, and nutritious, high-protein food to fuel your puppy’s high metabolic rate. Three-Tier Dental Health: Crunchy kibble texture helps reduce plaque buildup with chewing action Like bristles of a toothbrush, added fibers in the kibble support clean teeth Sodium Hexametaphosphate aids in the reduction of tartar buildup
Lamb Meal & Brown Rice Formula Puppy Dog Food
Performatrin Prime Lamb Meal u0026 Brown Rice Formula Puppy Dog Food is formulated to support your puppy's growth and development period and support overall health. This recipe provides your puppy with high-protein food and optimal levels of Omega Fatty Acids, like DHA, and Taurine levels to support growth and early brain and eye development. Key Benefits: No animal-by-product meal Omega-6 u0026 Omega-3 Fatty Acids support healthy skin Naturally occurring prebiotics Antioxidant nutrient blend Easy-to-digest ingredients Lean Muscle Development: Made with high-quality Lamb Meal as the 1st ingredient. A chicken-free, delicious, and nutritious, high-protein food to fuel your puppy's high metabolic rate. Three-Tier Dental Health: Crunchy kibble texture helps reduce plaque buildup with chewing action Like bristles of a toothbrush, added fibers in the kibble support clean teeth Sodium Hexametaphosphate aids in the reduction of tartar buildup
$40.31 – $73.91 price-excluding-tax
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