Kiwi Kitchens RAW Freeze Dried Lamb Dinner Dog Food is made from high quality whole foods sourced entirely from the farms of New Zealand. Along with these high-quality proteins, we include super foods like New Zealand Green Mussel, New Zealand King Salmon, Kiwifruit, and Blackcurrants. This delicious dinner recipe is designed to be used as a meal mixer or topper. Key Benefits: Freeze Drying is the most natural way of preserving these premium ingredients, keeping nutrients in their raw natural state which allows the goodness to remain intact and available Made with vitamins and minerals to ensure the food is complete and balanced for all life stages Designed to be used as a meal mixer or topper High in Omega-3s, Chondroitin sulphate, and glucosamine High in natural taurine
RAW Freeze Dried Lamb Dinner Dog Food
Kiwi Kitchens RAW Freeze Dried Lamb Dinner Dog Food is made from high quality whole foods sourced entirely from the farms of New Zealand. Along with these high-quality proteins, we include super foods like New Zealand Green Mussel, New Zealand King Salmon, Kiwifruit, and Blackcurrants. This delicious dinner recipe is designed to be used as a meal mixer or topper. Key Benefits: Freeze Drying is the most natural way of preserving these premium ingredients, keeping nutrients in their raw natural state which allows the goodness to remain intact and available Made with vitamins and minerals to ensure the food is complete and balanced for all life stages Designed to be used as a meal mixer or topper High in Omega-3s, Chondroitin sulphate, and glucosamine High in natural taurine
$53.75 price-excluding-tax
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