Open Farm RawMix Ancient Grains Large Breed Recipe Dog Food features protein-packed kibble covered in a nutritious bone broth and freeze dried raw coating, with added chunks of freeze dried raw. Crafted with a blend of 100% animal welfare certified chicken, turkey, and wild-caught salmon, this irresistible recipe includes nutrient-dense meat, organ, and bone with non-GMO grains, fruits, and veggies. This recipe is packed with natural nutrition tailored for large breed dogs and features a larger kibble size. Key Benefits: Nutritious blend of humanely raised harvest chicken, homestead turkey and Wild-Caught Salmon Freeze-Dried Raw u0026 Bone Broth Coated Kibble with Freeze-Dried Raw Chunks All meats humanely raised and certified by G.A.P. u0026 all fish wild-caught and Ocean Wise recommended High protein kibble, packed with natural nutrition tailored for large breed dogs Includes L-Carnitine to support heart health and healthy metabolism Includes green-lipped mussel to support hip u0026 joint health 100% traceable ingredients, including non-GMO grains, fruits u0026 vegetable
RawMix Ancient Grains Large Breed Recipe Dog Food
Open Farm RawMix Ancient Grains Large Breed Recipe Dog Food features protein-packed kibble covered in a nutritious bone broth and freeze dried raw coating, with added chunks of freeze dried raw. Crafted with a blend of 100% animal welfare certified chicken, turkey, and wild-caught salmon, this irresistible recipe includes nutrient-dense meat, organ, and bone with non-GMO grains, fruits, and veggies. This recipe is packed with natural nutrition tailored for large breed dogs and features a larger kibble size. Key Benefits: Nutritious blend of humanely raised harvest chicken, homestead turkey and Wild-Caught Salmon Freeze-Dried Raw u0026 Bone Broth Coated Kibble with Freeze-Dried Raw Chunks All meats humanely raised and certified by G.A.P. u0026 all fish wild-caught and Ocean Wise recommended High protein kibble, packed with natural nutrition tailored for large breed dogs Includes L-Carnitine to support heart health and healthy metabolism Includes green-lipped mussel to support hip u0026 joint health 100% traceable ingredients, including non-GMO grains, fruits u0026 vegetable
$128.79 price-excluding-tax
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