Merrick Real Chicken + Sweet Potato Recipe Adult Dog Food is crafted with whole foods and deboned chicken as the first ingredient in this real meat dog food. Providing high-quality protein, this Merrick grain free dog food recipe helps build and maintain healthy muscle tissue and energy levels. With 57% protein and healthy fat ingredients and 43% produce, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other natural ingredients, this complete and balanced natural dog food is rich in protein and fiber. Leading levels of omega fatty acids in this adult dog food help support your dog’s healthy skin and coat. This high protein dog food helps maintain healthy hips and joints by providing leading levels of glucosamine and chondroitin for dogs. This grain free dry dog food contains no corn, wheat, soy, gluten or artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Merrick dog food recipes are proudly founded in Hereford, Texas, crafted in USA facilities. Key Benefits: Real chicken and sweet potato Wholesome and natural with added vitamins and minerals kibble for adult dogs Real deboned chicken is always the first ingredient in this premium grain free kibble, made with real food ingredients to deliver balanced nutrition for adult dogs Chicken dog food features a holistic blend of 57% protein and healthy fat ingredients to maintain lean muscle mass and energy levels, with 43% produce, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other natural ingredients Merrick dog food delivers 81% of protein from animal sources, providing high protein levels, and contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives Wholesome grain free real meat recipe contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to nourish skin and coat, and glucosamine and chondroitin for healthy hips and joints
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Real Chicken + Sweet Potato Recipe Adult Dog Food
Merrick Real Chicken + Sweet Potato Recipe Adult Dog Food is crafted with whole foods and deboned chicken as the first ingredient in this real meat dog food. Providing high-quality protein, this Merrick grain free dog food recipe helps build and maintain healthy muscle tissue and energy levels. With 57% protein and healthy fat ingredients and 43% produce, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other natural ingredients, this complete and balanced natural dog food is rich in protein and fiber. Leading levels of omega fatty acids in this adult dog food help support your dog's healthy skin and coat. This high protein dog food helps maintain healthy hips and joints by providing leading levels of glucosamine and chondroitin for dogs. This grain free dry dog food contains no corn, wheat, soy, gluten or artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Merrick dog food recipes are proudly founded in Hereford, Texas, crafted in USA facilities. Key Benefits: Real chicken and sweet potato Wholesome and natural with added vitamins and minerals kibble for adult dogs Real deboned chicken is always the first ingredient in this premium grain free kibble, made with real food ingredients to deliver balanced nutrition for adult dogs Chicken dog food features a holistic blend of 57% protein and healthy fat ingredients to maintain lean muscle mass and energy levels, with 43% produce, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other natural ingredients Merrick dog food delivers 81% of protein from animal sources, providing high protein levels, and contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives Wholesome grain free real meat recipe contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to nourish skin and coat, and glucosamine and chondroitin for healthy hips and joints
$36.95 – $126.55 price-excluding-tax
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size | 22 lb, 4 lb |
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