Rosewood Naturals Summerfield Small Animal Treat is a wholesome and tasty treat made from 100% natural ingredients. Its like a bag of sunshine for your small animal. A blend of carrot slices, pea flakes, ribwort, marigold, sunflower petals, dandelion, hibiscus blossoms and rose petals. Can be fed daily to enrich your pets diet. Ideal for rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus. Key Benefits: Helps recreate a natural foraging environment which is great enrichment for your small animals and will improve their well-being. 100% natural ingredients. Serve in a bowl or sprinkle on top of their hay for foraging fun.
Summerfield Small Animal Treat
Rosewood Naturals Summerfield Small Animal Treat is a wholesome and tasty treat made from 100% natural ingredients. Its like a bag of sunshine for your small animal. A blend of carrot slices, pea flakes, ribwort, marigold, sunflower petals, dandelion, hibiscus blossoms and rose petals. Can be fed daily to enrich your pets diet. Ideal for rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus. Key Benefits: Helps recreate a natural foraging environment which is great enrichment for your small animals and will improve their well-being. 100% natural ingredients. Serve in a bowl or sprinkle on top of their hay for foraging fun.
$10.07 price-excluding-tax
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