Your most important gear is here. Flexible cushioning and support for your hiking and outdoor footwear. When your shoes and insoles work together, hours in the outdoors can feel like minutes. ADAPT Hike Max Insoles feel like they are part of your footwear, with soft, flexible support to keep you moving comfortably all day. Leave sore, tired feet behind and transform your outdoor adventures.
Superfeet ADAPT Hike Max Insoles, Shoe Inserts
Your most important gear is here. Flexible cushioning and support for your hiking and outdoor footwear. When your shoes and insoles work together, hours in the outdoors can feel like minutes. ADAPT Hike Max Insoles feel like they are part of your footwear, with soft, flexible support to keep you moving comfortably all day. Leave sore, tired feet behind and transform your outdoor adventures.
$55.99 price-excluding-tax
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