Rollover Wheat-Free Wild Pacific Salmon Dog Food is completely natural and nutritionally balanced in a semi-soft (sliceable) format. Salmon is a very healthy source of protein and is low in fat. This food is great for those dogs with skin sensitivities. The dog foods are formulated to be a complete food for your dog, however they are also great as a supplement to your dog’s current food or a topper to entice eating. Key Benefits: Wild Salmon, not farmed, is the first ingredient Salmon provides an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids which promotes a healthy coat and skin Barley Flour is low-fat, low-cholesterol and significantly lower in gluten than other flours. It is high in fibre and protein and is a good choice for those dogs with wheat allergies Oat Flakes help to improve and regulate digestion, reduce blood sugar, and help to keep your dog feeling fuller, longer. Oat flakes are high in amino acids, vitamins and minerals Rollover is proud to have always made the dog foods in their own High River, Alberta plant. They never out-source the production of our food or unique treats.
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Wheat-Free Wild Pacific Salmon Dog Food
Rollover Wheat-Free Wild Pacific Salmon Dog Food is completely natural and nutritionally balanced in a semi-soft (sliceable) format. Salmon is a very healthy source of protein and is low in fat. This food is great for those dogs with skin sensitivities. The dog foods are formulated to be a complete food for your dog, however they are also great as a supplement to your dog's current food or a topper to entice eating. Key Benefits: Wild Salmon, not farmed, is the first ingredient Salmon provides an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids which promotes a healthy coat and skin Barley Flour is low-fat, low-cholesterol and significantly lower in gluten than other flours. It is high in fibre and protein and is a good choice for those dogs with wheat allergies Oat Flakes help to improve and regulate digestion, reduce blood sugar, and help to keep your dog feeling fuller, longer. Oat flakes are high in amino acids, vitamins and minerals Rollover is proud to have always made the dog foods in their own High River, Alberta plant. They never out-source the production of our food or unique treats.
$16.79 price-excluding-tax
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